Friday, August 21, 2009

Pop Quiz. Literally...

Even multiple choice test can be fun and engaging. I swear.

My students took their first, 25 question, multiple choice Pop Quiz today.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box when you have students with ADHD and/or low reading skills...

1. Take a regular multiple choice test and cut the questions into strips...

2. Fold up the paper strips small enough to fit through a balloon opening and then blow up/tie off each balloon.

3. Tell students they can take the test the regular way, or a super fun way (make sure you have printed copies ready to threaten with)depending on how they choose to behave.

4. Assuming they choose the latter, ask students take out a piece of binder paper and number 1-25.

5. Next, scare them to death by popping the first balloon yourself and read question number one (I show mine on the ELMO projector for those visual learners) and it's answer options aloud. This is also a great chance to introduce process of elimination and other test taking strategies by MODELING!

6. Students quietly record their answers on the binder paper.

7. While they record their answer, pass the next balloon to a student. They pop the question for number 2 and bring the question strip up for you to project/read.
(They can pop balloon with a pencil, sitting on it or stomping on it!)

8. Repeat numbers 5 and 6 for the remainder of the questions.

Student learning has been assessed and attention has definitely been kept. Plus, it's incredibly entertaining to watch them jump with each pop.

1 comment:

  1. Very Creative, and fun, Love the ELMO you use,
    thanks for letting me come visit, MJD
