Hours of planning Getting to Know You activities, re-reading
treasured resources, thinking of engaging ways to present somewhat boring info (
syllabi = yawn) and tweaking Rules and Procedures for EVERYTHING I expect of my students,

Decorating the classroom to be as warm and inviting as a budget crisis will allow,

Displaying the daily agenda so that students will know exactly where we are headed,

Refreshing my technological skills and making sure all cords are plugged into the right sockets,

Bringing in ample [more] natural lighting to limit the craziness that comes with full-fledged fluorescence,

And even inviting the
President to join us...

I tried to cover all my bases to set up for a successful 2009-2010 school year....
But you really never know how things will go until they walk through the door that first day, sit down and look at you, waiting to size up their fate or fortune. I worry so much every year about how they will respond to what I have planned, my high expectations and to me as a teacher/person. It is hard to convey that I care, when they have nothing that backs those words yet. I asked them on day 1 to trust me and let me prove to them that I truly care and that I will bend over backwards to help them succeed as long as they are trying their best (and even when they sometimes aren't). I am humbled that these precious kiddos seem to give me the benefit of the doubt.
It's been two days and my 7
th grade students have been nothing but perfect.
ADHD, learning disabilities, autism and all. Seriously, its unbelievable. They seem to understand that I am going to be strict with their best interests in mind and haven't yet started to challenge me. At all.
Most would say that this is just the honeymoon phase, the calm before the inevitable storm. Being newly married myself, I understand that the "everything is perfect between us at every moment" stage between anyone ebbs and flows. But what comes with time, care and consistency, is a trust and respect that is able to refine and challenge.
I'm sure my share of challenges with these students will come (I mean, come on, it's Junior High!), but I have to hope that this year will be more than a Honeymoon Phase followed by 8 months of crowd control. This is my year of intentional teaching, disciplining and being, so I think that it will be.
P.S. If anyone wants or knows anyone who wants any beginning of the year materials, suggestions,
PowerPoints, resources, etc..please let me know.I'd be more than happy to share :)