Monday, January 28, 2013

Makin' It Rain

If you remember my last post, , the delivery process for this lesson was essentially the same but with a different topic [dividing fractions] and different instrumental [ Make It Rain ]

Foldable Lyrics

This rap would work with a variety of beats. It's easy to memorize and my students were saying dividing fractions seemed "easy" by the end of the class period. I'm again hoping that memorizing lyrics instead of formulas will increase learning retention.

Accompanying class notes and examples.

I had them write down the You Tube link and told them to go home and "study" by rehearsing the rap before completing their homework assignment tonight. If only my own version of studying (completing my M.A. thesis before the May 10th deadline, yikes.) were as enjoyable...

Anyway, just another day in the life of a superstar rap artist: keeping myself and my audience entertained.

Word to your mother.