Wednesday, August 31, 2011

'Freely Give' 2011-2012

I can't believe it's the beginning of my 5th year teaching. Time has truly flown. Since 2007, things have changed a ton for me both personally and professionally, but mainly three:

1. In 2011-2012, my students will again call me Ms. Latimer.

2.In 2011-2012 I have the additional responsibilities of being the Curriculum Leader for our Department. I'm really looking forward to the new challenge of being a resource/support for my own team members and the amazing general education teachers on our staff.

3. In 2011-2012 (and in my lifetime) my ultimate goal is to 'freely give' to those around me.

The third point deserves more explaining... Several months ago I was struck by a piece of a verse in Matthew 10:8, 'Freely you received, freely give.' I'm sure I am taking it out of context, but whatever, it was inspiring in the best way and you can't be mad at that...

Particularly in the last 6 months to a year of my life I have been given an extraordinary amount of grace, love and care by God through the AMAZING people he has in my life. More than I could ever give back in a lifetime really. But I'm going to try. As I have freely received, I'm reminding myself daily to freely give that back into the world:to my students, my co-workers, my family, my friends and my god... Without expecting anything in return and in gratitude for all I've been given. I don't want to waste a single day that I've been blessed to spend with my students and the people in my life.

This is where my heart is, and where I hope it stays. Hope everyone's 2011-2012 Academic Calendar year is off to a great start :)

Freely give!